Best of Jerry of the Day
Best Of May Part 1 Jerry of the Day
By Colton Hardy May 21, 2018
This compilation of Jerry of the Day's best sends from May will surely cheer you up on a Monday. If not, you're doomed, Monday got the best of you #MotivaionMonday #coffeesforclosersonly
Jerry of the Day Best of April 2018 Part 2
By Colton Hardy April 19, 2018
Soon Jerry will be taking his off season sends elsewhere, but for now, Jerry is still going FULL HAMMER ON FROZEN WATER FLAKES #compilationsFTB
Silicon Valley's Thomas Middleditch Shouts Out Jerry of the Day
By Colton Hardy April 09, 2018
If you watch Silicon Valley and follow Jerry of the Day you'll probably enjoy this. Main character Thomas Middleditch gives us a shout out around 2:50 into this interview on Larry King Now LMFAO! #repsectthesend
Mcllroy's Golf Ball Lands In Jerry's Pocket
By Colton Hardy April 06, 2018
In honor of Master's week we show a magical moment when Rory Mcllroy's golf ball landed directly in Jerry's pocket after a total stripe #getinthehole
Best of April 2018 Part 1 Jerry of the Day
By Colton Hardy April 05, 2018
It's April and Jerry is sending harder than ever! LET US KNOW, do you like it when we include our captions? Comment below!
Sri Lanka's Got Talent The Next Big Show
By Colton Hardy April 04, 2018
One thing we can all now know for sure; Sri Lanka's Got Talent is 100000x more hardcore than America's Got Talent #CTEtapsfortheboys #theroadtofame
Best of March 2018 Part 3
By Colton Hardy March 26, 2018
March has been a loaded month. Day lights savings should be called send light savings! This is a 3rd compilation of the best clips from Jerry of the Day
Ski Ballet Butter Master
By Colton Hardy March 21, 2018
Stark The Bunchinfluens på den här killen! The snail effect from Circus Kadavresky!
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Terrifying Chairlift Malfunction
By Colton Hardy March 16, 2018
A post shared by СПОРТСМЕНЫ УКРАИНЫ 🏆 (@ukraine_athletes) on
Best of March 2018 Part 2
By Colton Hardy March 13, 2018
If it keeps snowing the edits will keep coming. Thanks mother nature. These Jerrys are reacting accordingly!! #respectthesend
Jerry Decides "F*** it, I'm Sliding Down!"
By Colton Hardy March 07, 2018
Being a Jerry can be frustrating AF. Here we see a poor Jerry struggling to get his skis on so he decides "F*** it, I'm sliding down!"
Best of March 2018 Part 1 JOTD Compilation
By Colton Hardy March 06, 2018
A little recap of what Jerry's been up to in the past couple of weeks. What you ask? SENDING IT!